Anniversary website: 40 years of Maastricht University

Maastricht University will celebrate its fortieth anniversary in 2016. The anniversary activities will focus explicitly on the connection between the university and the city. Throughout the anniversary year, dozens of activities will be organised by and for students and staff. Residents of Maastricht and the rest of Limburg are warmly invited to attend the festivities. An entire week of celebrations will be organised from 5 to 11 September, with the Opening Academic Year and a three-day PAS festival.

The special anniversary website contains an overview of the events (new events to be added).

Dies Natalis

The anniversary year will start with the Dies Natalis 2016 on 11 January in the Sint Janskerk in Maastricht. Several honorary doctorates and prizes will be awarded during the official ceremony.

Parcours of Art & Science (PAS) 2016

The 2016 edition of this free scientific and cultural festival is going to be bigger and better than ever. This three-day festival will focus on research, art and knowledge and will offer a platform to cultural and artistic talents from the Maastricht area.

Birthday celebrations


Anniversary tour by the Limburg University Fund (SWOL)

With this tour, UM hopes to give something back to Limburg residents and thank them for their donations and support by organising workshops, lectures, music and demonstrations.

Retirement home serenades

Residents of several Maastricht retirement homes can enjoy lovely music, beautiful costumes and charming musicians. These regional musical ensembles, which consist largely of UM students and staff, will bring a ray of sunshine to the Maastricht retirement homes.

The exact dates are as yet unknown. For more information, visit


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