Are you app for a challenge? Sign up for the AppChallenge@UM 2023!

For the second time, Maastricht University will organise an app challenge for students and employees.

This time, the challenge will consist of inventing and building a prototype for the next UM app to enhance the teaching or learning experience at Maastricht University. All ideas are welcome!

Sign up for the AppChallenge@UM 2023!

For whom: Students, staff or mixed teams. For every skill level! Each team will consist of a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 5 members.

What: Each team will propose an idea that can be further developed with a Low-Code Application Platform* available at Maastricht University. It's for all skill levels. The app can be anything you miss or want to improve your teaching or learning experience at UM. At the end of the challenge, the winning team will deliver a functioning app (or a mock-up of a functioning app) related to Maastricht University education. There will be workshops to guide you and give you advice along the way.

When: Start brainstorming and developing your idea today! The idea submission deadline is Sunday 8 October 2023. You will then have four weeks to develop the app, between mid-October and mid-November 2023.

How: Read the participation criteria and submit your idea on this page. In October 2023, a team of IT experts will be available to assist you. If desired, you will receive access to software and meeting rooms.

Where: Anywhere and at EDLAB (Building X, Tapijnkazerne)

Why: Because it’s fun! It’s innovative! It’s a challenge! See it as your chance to improve the educational environment at Maastricht University!

The winning team's app proposal will be further developed as an education innovation project at Maastricht University. On top of this, the winning team will receive an award, and each participant will receive a certificate of participation (students) or Continuing Professional Development credits (staff).

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Any questions? Let us know! Good luck!

The AppChallenge@UM 2023 is a joint initiative of the Maastricht University CI-Office and EDLAB.

*A Low-Code Application Platform (LCAP) is an application platform that is used to rapidly develop custom applications. LCAPs entail a visual modelling approach with a drag-and-drop interface, reusable components and collaboration tools. LCAPs can be used by both non-technical users (so-called citizen developers) and professional developers.

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