Large-scale research into the impact of corona on regional hospitals

A study that examines how hospitals have tackled the corona crisis and what the impact has been on the well-being of the staff has been strated recently. All 23,000 employees of five Limburg hospitals were asked to participate in the study. 

The study explicitly looks at what peak load and adjustments affect the staff, explains project leader Daan Westra (RL Creating Value-Based Health Care). “We want to understand what hospitals are doing during the crisis. How do they approach it organizationally and logistically? What resources and facilities do they use? But also: how do they combine corona care with regular care? And above all: What are the consequences of all the adjustments that hospitals make on the well-being and employability of their staff? ", says Westra.

The research team will ultimately advise hospitals on the basis of the results of the research on how to keep their staff physically and mentally as healthy as possible. The lessons they learned will be shared with other hospitals in the Netherlands as well.

More information on the project can be found on the ZonMw website.

Watch the interview with Daan Westra about the project on L1mburg here.

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