
  • “What does the EU have to offer?” is the question the EU needs to answer now more than ever, according to professor of Contemporary European History and European Integration Mathieu Segers. 

  • Damien Nunes’ concept Hearttalks tries to provide timely solutions and timeless food for thought around the process of losing a loved one. It allows family members to send verbal messages from a distance while intimately listening to the beating heart of (terminal) patients unable or struggling to...

  • The entanglement between science and the oil industry is also of the pillars of Mody’s research on how to deal with sustainability in times of scarcity, for which he recently received a Vici grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

  • “The preparations for the arrival of the ETpathfinder have not yet been hampered by the corona crisis. So far we seem to be still right on schedule”, says Prof. Stefan Hild.

  • Researchers from ITEM, the Maastricht University institute that specialises in research on the effects of national and European legislation on the border region, compared the support offered to self-employed businesspeople by the Dutch, German and Belgian governments. They found that self-employed...

  • Interview with prof. Peter Peters on the Science article he co-worked on intensively.

  • In January, with Brexit looming, Donna Yates moved from Glasgow to Maastricht. The associate professor of Criminal Law and Criminology brought with her an ERC grant worth €1.5 million. Less than three months later, the world is in lockdown due to COVID-19. What does this mean for her research on the...

  • Fatigue, headaches, irritability, or sleep problems? These might be symptoms of stress caused by the unfamiliar demands of working from home. Angelique de Rijk studies work stress in nurses – and worries about the current situation and the transition back to normal.

  • SHE Collaborates is part of the Maastricht School of Health Professions Education (SHE), and in simple terms you could describe it as the ‘development cooperation department’ of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. How is director Geraldine Beaujean coping now the corona crisis has...

  • It’s a bright spot in these dark times. Hundreds of Maastricht University medical students, from first-year students to residents, are springing into action at Maastricht UMC+.