
  • Internationalisation of education, and specifically the intake of international students, is a hot topic in Dutch politics. This will also be the case in early 2023. As the most international university in the country, UM follows developments closely and, in the interest of the university and the...

  • Bijzonder hoogleraar Taalcultuur Leonie Cornips ziet in ieder geval verregaande vormen van verbale en non-verbale communicatie tussen koeien onderling en de dieren en hun verzorgers.

  • In recent years, with additional funding from the government, several local, regional and national projects have been launched to tackle and nip undermining crime in the bud. This has raised awareness in the Netherlands about the seriousness of that problem and the need to tackle it together. It is...

  • The Executive Board of Maastricht University has reappointed prof. dr. Thomas Cleij as Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Cleij will continue to lead the fast-growing faculty until March 2027.

  • Why you gain weight after dieting? Edwin Mariman is a professor at Maastricht University (MaCSBio) and conducted research on the yo-yo effect.

  • People who are customers of a bicycle rental company are more likely to go by bike instead of public transport, car or on foot. This is according to recent research by scientists at Maastricht University.

  • The aim of the Science Communication Incubator is to foster and support a group of researchers that bring science communication skills and knowledge into their teams. 

  • Research into the development of heart failure cannot yet be done without animal testing. Thanks to improved techniques, half as many animals are now needed to study the metabolism of heart cells in the development of heart failure.

  • In 2022 Mundo implemented a project in which nine members of staff of Amodefa and Lambda, two Mozambican NGOs active in the field of sexual health and reproductive rights were trained in intervention mapping.  Their staff were trained by Prof. Rob Ruiter and Prof. Kai Jonas, both of the Faculty of...

  • The University of Maastricht (UM) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Real Estate have partnered to offer the pioneering Global Leaders Program in Real Estate.