
  • How can you further improve healthcare with the use of ‘big data’? That question is central to many scientific studies worldwide. At Maastricht University, the research group led by Professor of Clinical Data Sciences André Dekker is also working on answers to this question.

  • On 15 November, Professor Dick T.H.M. Sijm gave his inaugural address, entitled ‘There is more behind the label’, and accepted the function of Associate Professor at Maastricht University (UM). He will work at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University College Venlo in Venlo. His chair is...

  • The ET Pathfinder, a test facility for the Einstein Telescope, will be housed in the university building at the Duboisdomein 30 (DUB30) in Maastricht.

  • Food scientist Alie de Boer from the UM campus in Venlo is among the final five talented researchers who have a chance of winning the New Scientist title ‘Science Talent of the Year’.

  • Aim in their study was to develop biobased compostable socks from Polylactic acid (PLA), acknowledged as sustainable and eco-friendly is a biodegradable and compostable polymer obtained from annually renewable resources.

  • What do the Basilica of Saint Servatius, the bear pit at Aldenhofpark and the gate to the university library have in common? One: they’re special places to visit, and two: they all somehow remind Maastricht University’s math-oriented researchers of their work.

  • In the province of Limburg, there is a substantial number of major international logistics companies as well as a large number of logistics SMEs and start-ups. This is especially the case in the Venlo region. The logistics sector in the province is therefore of great importance. To maintain a...

  • Waste from the food processing industry can be used to improve the gut flora of people with obesity, according to the findings of a study by Carlota Bussolo de Souza, who received her PhD on the topic at Maastricht University (UM) last Wednesday.