
  • Het aantal mensen met overgewicht en diabetes stijgt. Om te bepalen of iemand te zwaar is, wordt gekeken naar de BMI. Maar wat zegt je BMI eigenlijk over je gezondheid? En wat kan de overheid doen om het aantal mensen met overgewicht terug te dringen? Obesitas-onderzoeker Gijs Goossens vertelt...

  • Mark Post is a man on a mission. The environmental damage caused by livestock farming is far too great and must be dramatically reduced. His contribution? Cultured meat. These days, he’s not just a scientist, but also the director of Mosa Meat, a business that has drawn 75 million Euros in...

  • “It was an exciting day and a great learning experience, especially given the time pressure, the intensity of the challenge and having to work with a new team,” said Apoorva Shankar, looking back on this year's NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition 2020.

  • Students from our Master's in Public Policy and Human Development (2018-19) marked the end of their course at a festive ceremony in Sint Janskerk, Maastricht.