
  • Our lives are intertwined with smartphones, TVs, computer devices, and electronic appliances. However, the benefits they bring come at a price. Especially when consumers are encouraged to replace their devices rather than repair them.

  • What if students could use play to learn to think strategically, apply economic concepts and deal with complex problems? This is what we have started exploring in the first of a series of three pilots of the Maastricht Immersive Learning Lab. 

  • According to the latest figures from the HBO Monitor by the Research Center for Education and the Labor Market (ROA) at Maastricht University, college graduates are in a strong position in the labor market. Barbara Belfi, project manager and researcher at ROA, mentions, "With an unemployment rate of...

  • We are delighted to announce that Maastricht University School of Business and Economics has maintained its outstanding position in the 2024 CEO Magazine's Global MBA Rankings. Securing a Tier One Global MBA ranking, a 4th place in the Global Online MBA ranking, and an 8th place in the Global...

  • The Dutch population is growing substantially due to immigration and this is a cause for concern. It was a major reason for the PVV's election victory. Immigration is blamed for an overcrowded Netherlands. In Belgium, a similar debate is currently raging ahead of the upcoming national elections. In...

  • morse research day pic 4

    MORSE Research Day 2024

    On Monday 29 of January, MORSE hosted the annual MORSE Research Day, at SBE premises. During the event, MORSE presented new initiatives, such as  the  Maastricht Immersive Learning Lab (MILL) Project, welcomed Prof Igor Mayer to deliver an inspiring guest lecture on the rise of digital twins, hosted...

  • In recent years, there has been quite some debate surrounding the value of rakings. So the question is: do university rankings really matter that much? Fair question. In this article, SBE’s Dean Mariëlle Heijltjes and SBE’s Associate Dean Gaby Odekerken weigh in on the subject.

  • Educational systems are resilient systems, with technology functioning as an essential tool to overcome the shocks. The pandemic made educational systems realize they possess great capacity to overcome hurdles and create awareness that universities should use their potential to innovate. This blog...

  • Founded 40 years ago, SBE started with only a handful of students and a motivated group of staff members experimenting with a new concept called Problem Based Learning. Since then, the School has grown to about 6,300 students and around 700 staff members, with education and research programmes in...