
  • Bijzonder hoogleraar Taalcultuur Leonie Cornips ziet in ieder geval verregaande vormen van verbale en non-verbale communicatie tussen koeien onderling en de dieren en hun verzorgers.

  • The Executive Board of Maastricht University has reappointed prof. dr. Thomas Cleij as Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Cleij will continue to lead the fast-growing faculty until March 2027.

  • Why you gain weight after dieting? Edwin Mariman is a professor at Maastricht University (MaCSBio) and conducted research on the yo-yo effect.

  • The aim of the Science Communication Incubator is to foster and support a group of researchers that bring science communication skills and knowledge into their teams. 

  • Computers are already capable of making independent decisions in familiar situations. But can they also apply knowledge to new facts? Mark Winands, the new professor of Machine Reasoning at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, develops computer programs that behave as rational agents.

  • Four Maastricht research teams are starting their projects funded with money from the Open Competition of grant provider ZonMw. In addition, a Nijmegen research team has been awarded, which includes Harro van Lente, professor of Science and Technology Studies at Maastricht University (UM).

  • State-owned sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), like that of FIFA World Cup host nation Qatar, are major shareholders in Western industrial and cultural assets. Is that a cause for concern? FASoS’ Adam Dixon has some answers.

  • How do you teach children empathy? The new research consortium JOINclusion, launched on 1 May, aims to help increase social inclusion among children between 7 and 12 years old, especially in multicultural classrooms.

  • Eight of the 23 bachelor’s programmes at Maastricht University (UM) that were assessed have been voted the best in the country. Six UM programmes have also been awarded ‘Top-rated Programme’ status. The rankings were published today in the university guide Keuzegids Universiteiten 2023.

  • When the war broke out in my home country of Ukraine, I realized that this place - this friendly city in the south of Netherlands is quite possibly my new home now for the extended future.