
  • How an honours programme is staving off brain drain

    In the KE@Work programme, students solve a complex, real-world problem while working at a local company. An honours track of the bachelor’s in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, KE@Work provides ambitious students with valuable work...

  • Everything on Earth is interconnected and has an impact on everything else. Nothing is isolated. This insight prompted the emergence of the very transdisciplinary field of Earth System Science. The field is gaining a foothold at the Brightland Campus Greenport Venlo in the form of the research...

  • In March, Dr. Konrad Kollnig was granted an AiNed Fellowship for his research project RegTech4AI. The project combines expertise in law and technology to develop regulatory technologies for citizens, enforcement agencies, and businesses in the domain of artificial intelligence (AI). This shall...

  • On 9 March 2024, Maastricht University’s European Law Moot Court (ELMC) Team, coached by MCEL Members Dr. Pauline Melin and Guido Bellenghi, won the regional final held at the Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid.

  • On 7 March 2024, Dr. Juan Auz Vaca, Postdoctoral Researcher at Tilburg University, gave a compelling talk entitled "The Political Ecology of Climate Remedies in Latin America and the Caribbean" at the seminar hosted by the Globalisation & Law Network. 

  • In the recent allocation of grants within the AiNed Fellowship program, the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University was awarded a Fellowship for a research project by Dr. Konrad Kollnig. With the project 'RegTech4AI: Pioneering Regulatory Technologies for AI and Making AI Regulation Work in Practice...

  • On 28 February 2024, the Globalisation & Law Network hosted a research seminar featuring Dr Michael Veale, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at University College London.

  • Criminal justice systems across the globe face similar challenges, yet their solutions to these obstacles might differ for a variety of reasons. This book introduces the most salient aspects of criminal procedure from a comparative perspective. 

  • It is with great sadness that Maastricht University has learned of the death of Frans de Waal. Frans de Waal was the first holder of the Eugène Dubois Chair at Maastricht University in 2015.

  • Wim Vriezen seeks science that has a significant impact on society. Because, despite climate change, the rising global population must continue to eat. Vriezen was recently appointed as professor of Plant Functional Genomics at Maastricht University's Faculty of Science and Engineering.