
  • Many European borders were closed this spring simply because governments were unable to make agreements about the various national corona measures, and not primarily due to public health considerations. This is the conclusion of the annual Cross-Border Impact Assessment by the Institute for...

  • People with pre-existing medical conditions, ‘essential’ professions and virus spreaders should be vaccinated first. That is the result of a study where researchers asked a representative sample of 2000 Belgians who should get the upcoming COVID 19-vaccine first.

  • The project builds on several technical developments made at M4I in the fields of mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) and lipid analysis.

  • Paul Smeets, professor at the School of Business and Economics, has won 67th place on De Dikke Blauwe 100, the annual ranking of 100 'most influential people in Dutch philanthropy'.

  • UMIO’s MaastrichtMBA programme moves up the grade on sustainable development as it impressively managed to rank 16th globally in the newly published 2020 Better World MBA Ranking organised by Corporate Knights.

  • An international team of scientists has discovered one of the causes of primary hypertension or high blood pressure. In addition, the team, led by researchers from Maastricht University (UM), discovered that this cause could be treated with existing and already registered drugs.

  • The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros to three experienced UM researchers: Dr. Jordi Heijman (CARIM), Dr. Ali Jahanshahianvar (MHeNs) and Dr. Bettina Sorger (FPN). 

  • Cyrus Mody, Professor of the History of Science, Technology, and Innovation at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has obtained a Synergy grant from the European Research Council for his project ‘Nanobubbles: how, when and why does science fail to correct itself?’

  • During his farewell as dean of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) of Maastricht University (UM) and as vice president of the Board of Directors of Maastricht UMC+ on Friday, Prof Albert Scherpbier was awarded the highest distinction at UM, the Dr J.G.H. Tans Medal. He was also...